Once you have scheduled your session, you may want to write down any questions you may have, this will help keep the session on track, especially if you have specific questions you want answered.
Spirit truly wants you to relax, enjoy your reading, and think of it as a casual conversation between you and them.
Allow yourself enough time, to get situated, grab a glass of water, and take a few deep breaths before we get started.
Before the session, make certain you are in a quiet area and have handled any and all distractions. (Telephone and Skype sessions).
All Sessions:
- Take a few deep breaths, concentrating on the inhale and exhale – for those of you who know yoga, a few deep ‘belly’ breaths will work.
- Relax – be open and receptive to any and all information spirit has to offer. The more open you are, the easier it is for your loved ones and spirit to communicate with you.
- You may either take notes, record the session yourself, or Lynn will digitally record the session for you (which you will receive via email). The session does not need to be recorded, it is up to you
- Take your time and listen – if you are not clear on what Spirit is saying, ask for clarification.
- After your session drink plenty of water. For some, having a reading may feel euphoric and drinking water will help reground you.
- Make certain Lynn has your email address to send you a copy of the session and place you on the TSC newsletter list.
Most of all Relax! Open your heart and mind to receive your spiritual messages.